Friday, 17 March 2017

Think like a bad guy!!

Cyber security is growing concern. We tend to improve the security but on what basis? Do we ever use the updated or recent tools or even think of making a new one to deal with the attacks?

Cyber war is in trend. Black hat hackers search for vulnerabilities and find the loopholes to track the information. If we start thinking like bad guys, work to find vulnerabilities and perform penetration testing for our organization then we can really build a strong algorithm to improve security.

A way to store information on a single atom..

IBM scientists have found a way to store information on a single atom. In the experiment which they performed was atoms of holmium were placed on magnesium oxide which gave them magnetic properties that scientists came to a conclusions that this mimics a hard drive's magnetic disk.

Acceptance of terms and conditions!!

We often download so many applications from Google Play Store and the first pop-up comes of asking to get the access to the contact details and all relevant information regarding the data in the phone for downloading the app. But how far is this safe?

In a layman language we don't know what harm it can do. So, in order to secure our phone and the apps inside it, better to download the apps from renowned companies so that any virus or malwares can be avoided.

Suggestions(People you may know)

Have you ever come across suggestions in your Facebook account? I think yes almost all the time. Why do we get these suggestions? Because we have mutual friends but this is not enough. We have some information in common those set of people. This information can be used by hackers to hack any of the user accounts.

Facebook marketplace

Oct 04,2016

Security warnings regarding Facebook  marketplace where the user can sell his house. But this marketplace can be used by criminals to auction stolen goods. These might be fake wherein they may ask for handsome amount for the house picture they posted.

Virtual friendship is risky!!

Feb 19,2016

Virtual Friendship comes with privacy risks and campaigners warn the users to fraud risks. The survey was conducted for 2000 people where they found 79% who maintained their friendship even without social media and 72% believed that online networks have strengthened their friendship with people.

And 80% of people are not aware that sharing information over services are not transparent.

Apple embroiled with US authorities when it refused an FBI request for encryption algorithm. So, under investigatory powers bill,UK government could make similar orders to equipment manufacturers like Apple, Facebook or Whatsapp in total secrecy.